• jared@discsanddata.com
  • Siem Reap, Cambodia

My SQL for Data Science Capstone Project: Country Data and Olympic Success (Part 2d)(aka “Numerous Devious Plots Discovered”)

Ok. So I have my main working tables, Athletes and Countries, (finally) done… (tl;dr the first four posts in this series… I’m looking at connections between population and economic metrics and country success at the olympics. To start at the beginning, check out part 1.) (Standard warning in all my posts. I’m a beginner. Nothing below should be taken as the […]

My SQL for Data Science Capstone Project: Country Data and Olympic Success (Part 2c)(aka “Where is Dow Jones?”)

OK. So I just figured out what to do about countries being called different names across datasets are two Congos are now “Congo (Kinshasa)” and “Congo (Brazzaville)”. I worry though, I’ll have to deal with this issue again… (tl;dr the first three posts in this series… I’m looking at connections between population and economic metrics and country success at the […]

My SQL for Data Science Capstone Project: Country Data and Olympic Success (Part 2b)(aka “A Tale of Two Congos”)

And back to work. When we left off I had just built the Countries DATAFRAME… (tl;dr the first two posts in this series… I’m looking at connections between population and economic metrics and country success at the olympics. To start at the beginning, check out part 1.) (Standard warning in all my posts. I’m a beginner. Nothing below should be […]

Making Pandasql Happen in Jupyter

(Standard warning in all my posts. I’m a beginner. Nothing below should be taken as the best way of doing things, a good way of doing things, or even a right way of doing things. If you think you know better than me, you probably do. Please comment with better practices) So, I was working on my first week’s assignment […]

Decision Time: Python

So, with pandemic kicking in, I decided to do what most people in the world decided to do, study Python and start playing disc golf. My disc golf career is of to a spectacular start, but you’re probably not here to read about that. Many newbies, including myself, who wanted to study Python and were either not afraid of paying […]

Python for Everybody Course 1: Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

So I just finished the Python for Everybody coursera specialization. I now feel I have a good handle on the basics of Python coding, a few libraries, getting data from websites and using databases. There are five courses in this specialization. Here’s what I thought about the first course, Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python): (My review is pretty […]

My Progress So Far

I meant to update you (me) more often as to how fast I was moving towards data science glory. But I started studying and got distracted. When I opened up this blog thing about a month ago I had just began the Python For Everybody Specialization from the University of Michigan via Coursera. I was ripping through the first course, […]

Code Everyday

When I got word that my Coursera financial aid application was accepted, my journey to… wherever I am going… had begun. And when it begun, I was flying. I got the email the evening of Monday, the 29th of June, that I was paid and registered in the beginner of beginner classes for Python, “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with […]