• jared@discsanddata.com
  • Siem Reap, Cambodia

Jared’s Disc Golf Power Rankings V. 5

Even though none of us outside of Santa Cruz could watch it live, Masters Cup caused some interesting movement in my world famous power rankings. (If you are a data science type, I used some beautiful soup, pandas, SQL… y’know. Stuff like that. And, no, I didn’t use them well. I tried though. You can check out what all I […]

Jared’s Disc Golf Power Rankings V. 4

Big weekend in disc golf. US Women’s Championships for the women, and watching the US Women’s Championships for the men. Some definite movement in my most glorious of power rankings. (If you are a data science type, I used some beautiful soup, pandas, SQL… y’know. Stuff like that. And, no, I didn’t use them well. I tried though. You can […]

Jared’s Disc Golf Power Rankings V. 3

And we are back. After a weekend where most of top players were out in Stockton for the OTB Open, there is some movement in the top tens, but nothing too wild. (If you are a data science type, I used some beautiful soup, pandas, SQL… y’know. Stuff like that. And, no, I didn’t use them well. I tried though. […]

Jared’s Disc Golf Power Rankings V. 2

(Data Science people: I did this with pandas and SQL in a Jupyter notebook. You can take a look at my github. It ain’t pretty though. The graphs below were matplotlib) (All data used in creating these rankings is publically available at pdga.com) Disc Golf Fans… It was a weekend where the best in the land were spread out across […]

Jared’s Disc Golf Power Rankings V. 1

So about a week ago, this dude Mckay Johns started popping up on my social media feeds talking about sports, and analytics, and sports analytics, and stuff like that. My mind started racing… and here we are. A bunch of days with minimal sleep and an angry girlfriend later… power rankings. (Disc golf talk incoming… if you have arrived here […]

Stuff I learned Doing My Silly Tkinter Cornhole Project

Cornhole, the sport of midwestern American tailgaters, has arrived in Cambodia, kinda. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, meaning you’re in that 80% of my two-person readership [Haven’t gotten to stats yet in my Coursera classes], check out https://www.playcornhole.org/pages/rules for info about the glorious sport of cornhole.) A bar I frequent now has some boards that are getting […]

Decision Time: SQL

Writing this a good bit late but whatevs… So as my Learn SQL Basics for Data Science Specialization (UC Davis, Coursera) began to wind down, it came time to decide, what’s next? I realized that I really like SQL. And even though not all the classes in the Learn SQL Specialization were wonderful (looking at you Spark), I decided I […]

My SQL for Data Science Capstone Project: Country Data and Olympic Success (Part 3)

So, when we left off we were looking at population, GDP per capita, and urbanization metrics. Nothing jumped out except the urbanization… (tl;dr the first five posts in this series… I’m looking at connections between population and economic metrics and country success at the olympics. To start at the beginning, check out part 1.) (Standard warning in all my posts. I’m […]